Key Management Services

→ Reginoal Secure key management

→ Managed customer master keys

→ Encrypt to decrypt data up to 4KB in size

→ Integrated with AWS service

→ Pay per API call

→ Audit with CloudTrail

→ Level 3 is CloudHSM

→ Three types of CMK

  • Customer Managed
  • AWS Manged CMK
  • AWS Owned CMK

→ Symmetric vs Asymmetric CMK


→ Dedicated hardware security module

→ FIPS 140-2 Level 3

→ Manage your own keys

→ Single tenant, dedicated hardware and multi-AZ cluster

→ Runs within VPC

→ PKCS#11

→ Java Cryptography extensions

→ Microsoft CryptoNG

→ Keep your keys safe , - irretrievable if lost.

Systems Manager Parameter Store

→ Securely managing Credentials

→ Securely managing configurations

→ Servlets storage of configuration and secrets

→ Store parameters in hierarchies with 15 level

Secrets Manager

→ Secure rotate and audit secrets

→ Similar to Systems Manager Parameter store and it comes with cost

→ Automatic rotate secrets

→ Apply the new key/password in RDS for you

→ Generate random secrets

→ Shared across AWS accounts

AWS Shield

→ Protect against DDOS

→ AWS Shield standard

  • Automatically enabled
  • SYN/UDP floods
  • Reflection attacks
  • Protect layer 3 and 4
  • Free of cost

→ AWS Shield Advanced

  • $3000
  • 24X7 access to DDOS
  • Enhanced protection

Web Application Firewall

→ Monitor HTTP/HTTPS request to Cloudfront, ALB and API gateway

→ Configure filtering rules

→ Protect against SQL Query injection

→ Blocked traffic returns 403 forbidden

→ All all requests,

→ Block all request

→ Count the request

→ Monitor request properties and block request accordingly

→ AWS firewall manager configure firewall rules , WAF rules and AWS shield Advanced protections, Enable security groups for EC2 and ENIs

Image Credit

Photo by @pixabay from Pexels